Every little boy had a collection of toy cars and model automotives, and now Ford allows you to create your own. By customizing and changing the everyday truck model customers can now create their own perfect miniature Ford. Available 3D-printed Ford models are 1/32nd (one thirty second) scale in plastic and...
When Does The Time Come To Get Rid Of Your Car
It is hard to get ride of things that matter to us. However, there comes a time where getting something new will help you more than repairing something old. Of all the things we buy, maintain, use, and eventually scrap at the end of its lifecycle, nothing involves emotion...
Will Lack of New Sales Incentives Affect Car Sales Overall?
What really sets one car apart from another? Are incentives, price, or specific features the most important factor for consumers? If it is the incentives, there is a possibility of them drying up for good.If so, will people still buy as often and what will happen with competition between companies?...